Weigela florida 'Nana Purpurea'
Common Yarrow
Canterbury Bells
Drooping Star of Bethlehem
Checkered Daffodil
Dictamnus 'Albiflorus'
Peony Chinese 'Felix Crousse'
Peony Chinese 'Ursynów'
Freesia hybrid 'Micheli'
Freesia hybrid 'Spitfire'
Common daisy 'Single Blue'
Chrysanthemum If 'Helena Orchid'
Chrysanthemum 'Clara Curtis' game. Rubellum'
Libertia Peregrinans Gold Leaf
Freesia hybrid 'Super'
Ophiopogon planuscapus 'Niger'
Cercis occidentalis
Plants in the project (18)
Weigela florida 'Nana Purpurea'
Common Yarrow
Canterbury Bells
Drooping Star of Bethlehem
Checkered Daffodil
Dictamnus 'Albiflorus'
Peony Chinese 'Felix Crousse'
Peony Chinese 'Ursynów'
Freesia hybrid 'Micheli'
Freesia hybrid 'Spitfire'
Common daisy 'Single Blue'
Chrysanthemum If 'Helena Orchid'
Chrysanthemum 'Clara Curtis' game. Rubellum'
Libertia Peregrinans Gold Leaf
Freesia hybrid 'Super'
Ophiopogon planuscapus 'Niger'
Cercis occidentalis
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